Divine Feminine Branding

Goddess statue in a garden inviting connection with the Divine Feminine in branding, website design, women's circles and life

I had the opportunity to share about my work and the ASCEND Women's Circle on a podcast recently and at one point the host asked - why the Divine Feminine?

It caught me off guard because, while I've been steeped in it for over a decade, I haven't talked about it a whole lot to a broader audience.  It's been more my behind-the-scenes jam that silently infiltrates everything I do than my shout-it-from-the-rooftops message.  But I got a big ole wallop from the Universe this morning that said it's time to change that.  Just like I talked about in a recent missive, sometimes the very things we do without even realizing it are the very things that are begging to come into the light.

So I thought I'd share with you - why the Divine Feminine.

For me, working with the Divine Feminine is about bringing balance to a world that is hugely out of balance.  It has nothing to do with identities of womanhood or deification, per se, and everything to do with receiving and connecting with the inner world, like the concept of yin energy in Eastern philosophies.  Which is in contrast to the yang, or Masculine, on which modern Western society is founded that emphasizes the doing and output and growing.  Either one, taken too far, can be toxic, and the ultimate goal is for balance and flow between the two. 

Receiving and taking inspired action.
Listening and speaking. 
Being and doing.
Resting and creating.

With much of modern society teaching, consuming, and insisting on the constant doing and hustle and push of a more toxic masculine energy, working with the Divine Feminine allows a respite and a different way.  For doing without reflection or inner connection can lead to following a life that doesn't feel like yours, branding that doesn't reflect the true nature of you or your business, or creations that don't hold personal meaning or expression.  And doing without resting leads to burnout, chronic illness, and more.

For me, it's not about burning bras or singing chants to the Goddess or dancing around cauldrons with crystals adorning the body - though all that can be delightful as well!

For me, connecting with the Divine Feminine is about connecting with the deep inner essence.  Dropping into stillness and silence in order to hear and receive the wisdom from the Divine, the inner voice, intuition, the soul - to me, they're one and the same.  It's about going beyond the daily inundations of societal and family programming into the authenticity of who you came here to be. 

Then the yang energy gets to bring that out into the world through your creations, whatever those may be. 

This is the journey I facilitate in all the ways I work with people: branding, website design, women’s gatherings, and 1:1 explorations.

And this is the journey that has shaped my life and my life's learning.

To receiving, creating, and balancing!

Angela Winter

Awakened Creator helps heart-centered business owners stand out amid the online noise by translating their authentic expression into a welcoming online home.


Building belonging with your brand